How to show up consistently with content creation and writing
Alright, this is a question I get A LOT!!
"You are always showing up, how do you stay so consistent?". That is a big question and one I definitely get asked regularly.
So, let me share with you my secrets to consistency AND some tips you can use to help you be more consistent with your content.
Also, I want to share my journey when it came to becoming a writer because you know what, I was never considered a writer and I owe it all to consistency!
Structure around writing
So I wanted to address structure around writing because it can really help you be consistent when you have a plan. I also wanted to share because I recently had a mentoring call and the person on the call asked me how to structure a blog post.
They wanted to know the systematic way to set out a piece of writing. Now unless you are doing a report or any formal writing when it comes to blogs, spoiler alert, you don't need to really have a “structure”!
What you need to do it tailor your writing for two types of readers. The ones who like to read in-depth content and those who like to skim read (this is with any form of writing from email marketing to blogs and even social media posts).
How do you do that?
Break it up with subheadings as I have done in this blog, that way people can find what they want to read. Also remember, the bottom of your content is important so always have a "final thoughts" (conclusion) OR a p.s at the bottom with key learnings and call to actions!
You will find the skim readers look at your subheadings and then go to the bottom and read!
Also, mix it up with short and long-form content!
Your blogs can be for your long-form readers, and your social posts sum up your key ideas for the skim readers. Once you get into a habit doing this, it makes writing flow and seems easy, also it helps with repurposing content (we all know how I feel about that from this blog).
Of course, if you are writing a blog, 500 to 1,000 words is ideal, and practice makes perfect!!
My journey with writing
Believe it or not, I was never really a writer. Well, my marks never really suggested it during part of high school.
I was the one ALWAYS telling stories and always talking. But I loved writing, I loved the idea of being a writer. So I would always write. Journals, story ideas, the lot.
But it was journalism I fell in love with because it allowed me to tell other people's stories. It allowed me to write content that was to the point, and I didn't need to have sophisticated language.
When I started working full time in communications and PR, I wanted to be better at writing. I didn't want my boss to always mark up my work, I wanted it to be "perfect". So that is when I started writing more on blogs (you can see my old travel blog here), and in November of 2017, I set myself a challenge to write every day for a month.
In the end, I had an 80,000-word book called "How do you solve a problem like Mariah", which is a book on my life and lessons (I still haven't done anything with it).
Writing consistently is what made me better and better. In university, writing 1,000 words didn't come to me as naturally as it does now.
No way, a 1,000 words that I can now write in about an hour (given I know what I am writing on), would take me 3 weeks to write. Most of it was mental preparation, but you know where I'm getting at.
I was consistent, and I consistently wrote so I could improve! Of course, if you want to know more about my journey, you can join my mailing list where the welcome email is a bit about my origin story!
You can see the main point here though…. consistency helped me, and it still does to this day!!
Listen below!!
Consistency with writing and techniques
So when it comes to writing for your business, where do you begin! Well, it takes just one simple phrase that Nike made very famous "just do it", just get started!
Of course, it doesn't happen overnight! Writing can still be a chore for me too you know? But you know what, writing for your business should be easy because you love your business and what you talk about! If you don't 100% write, outsource.
My advice? Do a 30-day challenge and just write 200 words a day! By the end of the week, you will have enough for a blog post!
From there, give yourself a day for the content to digest before you read it and use apps like Grammarly to correct your work (if you have time)! You can also get Siri or any voice command to read the work to you (HACK ALERT).
There are just little techniques I still use to help me feel more confident with my writing. The more consistent you are, the more confidence you will have and the more you will love to write. It is a cycle!
It comes down to this equation "a little + often = progression".
Other ways you can keep yourself consistent is, have a day to write, a day to create and batch as much content as you can! This will help you feel organised and keep you consistent when it comes to showing up online.
What tip will you implement?
Consistency with content
Now, one of the MOST asked questions I get (as I said), “how do you show up on social media so consistently??”
It is called 'content marketing strategy', and I know if you have read more of my stuff, I have spoken about this a few times (maybe a few too many times?) BUT planning your content is KEY and planning how you will energetically show up is even more important.
To start your content strategy journey, you need the following:
Define the target audience
Define your core platform
Find your supporting platforms
Set your goals and KPIs
Ask when
Ask where
Use the content pillars to choose your topics
Define your content buckets
Look at your repurposing and themes
From there bundle it up into a content strategy
AND hold yourself accountable with Google Calendar, Trello or any of those!
Can I give you insight? When I didn't have a content strategy, I was stressed! I wasn't showing up when I wanted to, and I just didn't feel aligned to the content… is that you?
When I formed my strategy, it gave the clarity I needed to show up consistently, and now I feel SO good about showing up, and I feel like I am talking to people instead of crickets!
Does this sound like something you need? I have one option for you below….
Final thoughts
Before I tell you the options for content strategy… I have some tips for you to really sum up how you can show up consistently….
It comes down to this… write daily (at least to begin with), have a strategy and implement. Once you have this into a habit, you are laughing, and you won't have to feel stress, you don't have to work ridiculous hours to get all your content on point.
Yes, it is a task at times, but with a strategy and a writing practice, you will learn to love creating content. If it isn't fun, what is the point? Create the content not just for your audience but for you!
Alright, so is the ONE option to help you be consistent with your content?!
Download my FREE content template, a guide on how to use it and masterclass on implementing a content plan here!
Otherwise, you can also come over to IG and send me a DM, don't be afraid to ask me any questions!!