The A-Z best tips you need to produce written content as a writer
Putting together a written piece can seem daunting, especially if you're not sure where to start! From my experience with writing as a freelancer, every new job is a new start to learn something new but is all a process.
Even when I started my blog (atravellersantics), there was a lot of things I needed to think about before I posted online. So I have put together for you a complete A-Z guide to help you get started with your writing!
Living the dream and writing sounds pretty good yeah?
Find someone to hold you accountable for your writing! A friend, a mentor, or someone in a community group on Facebook to say to you "what have you written this week", "can you please develop the blog post because I'm dying to read the content". If someone is holding you accountable, you are more likely to write more. If you want me as your accountability partner, let me know!
When writing, you want to have a background story, what made you write this piece? What is it that makes this piece unique? Always start by giving background information - unless you are writing in pyramid style, which goes like this:
Journalism pyramid style
"It's all confidence about confidence babyyy", yes it is! Be confident in your writing. Don't be afraid to write and more importantly, don't be afraid to share your writing with others! You have a powerful message, be confident in that! If you want to learn more about developing confidence, see my IGTV - learning in under 10 minutes on confidence.
Have something to write on - well, duhhhh! No no, having something that will MAKE you write! On the train, you can write on your phone. Download an app that will cloud store your documents so you can write on the go. iPages is my personal fav! Now there is NO "I don't have my computer" excuse.
A major player when it comes to producing content! You MUST edit. A small tip from me? When you write - and if you have time - set it aside for a few days, this way, you have fresh eyes when you go to proofread it. Also, use platforms like Grammarly to check your work.
Five W's and One H
As I mentioned in my last blog "What type of writer are you?" - if you are a "get to the point-er" you are very good at outlaying the who, what, when, where, why and how (the five W's and H). But not everyone has these skills, and that is okay! Just make sure when you are writing your piece of content you answer all those questions!
What are your reasons for writing a certain piece of content? Make sure you have your "why", your purpose for writing! Once you have a purpose, it is a LOT easier to get the writing down on paper! Draft it up first and fine-tune later, but always have a goal.
Have a plan
When it comes to writing, a plan is key!! Even just a few subheadings you are going to write to make it easy to start (plus you then break up your text and make it easier for others to read). Start with the good old fashion way - think of your intro, body, explanations, examples and conclusion, yes I'm talking TEEL! Also, have a plan before you start!
These types of settings always inspire me!
Of course, no piece of writing is good without an idea. But how do we get to that idea? Think about your life lessons, your experiences, what makes you passionate! Look at topics online, what sparks your interest? We all have something interesting to say.
Just start
Sometimes you just have to say f#$% it and make a start! There is no time like the present. You can always fine-tune it later! Get the words on that paper!
Keep it readable
By this I mean, do not represent too much text without breaks, headings or full stops! If you have images, break up the text with images! Ask yourself, if you had never seen this before, if you had never written it, would you read it?
Let it flow, refine later
Like I said before, just start! Get in your rhythm and don't stop. Go with the flow of your writing, you will find it might go off track, but that is where all the good stuff is!! Keep writing, proof it later!
Just like an idea, you need to have a message. You need to have a purpose to your writing so when your audience is reading your work, they understand why, what the learnings are and what they should do next. Never lose sight of your message!
Negative self-talk
A big no no. You need to cancel out the negative self-talk and start reframing how you speak to yourself. This can be used with everything in your life, but when it comes to your writing, be positive about it! If you say is it shit, well your clients will say that too... it is all about mindset and manifesting. Learn more about that on my recent podcast.
When it comes to planning your content, outline your message, plan and make a strategy around your message. You will find one message will hold a lot of content - you are not just limited to one book, one article or one blog. Also, outline your message in your introduction and conclusion, so the reader understands.
Clarity comes from action!
Where are you posting? Online or in hard copy? Make sure you outlay where you will be posting and to what platform. This could be a blog, so you will need a website, or is it social media you are posting to? Make sure you have your platforms mapped out, you will find it can be used across many in all different ways!
Don't lose quality because you've been told your content has to be a certain amount of words! Always aim for quality and just be yourself! Also, attention to detail is important, but we are all human.
Research is KEY!! Google is your bestie, Google Scholar is also your bestie. Even if the topic is easy, always research! I have a blog and video coming soon on how to research like a boss! Stay tuned.
Never be too scared to share your story and NEVER say "I have nothing interesting to say" because you are lying to yourself! Map out your life and take down the key lessons, we have LOADS of them. Start your writing journey by writing about yourself, it helps get all those words within you out.
Use the time you have accordingly! It is all about the stages. You have a plan, your research, a draft and editing time. When you first start writing, you want to give yourself more time to write than you need, so you can edit and ensure your piece is game ready! What I recommend is if you are struggling to start, set the timer for 25 minutes. This gives you some accountability and motivation to know you only have to work for that time.
You want people to understand what you are trying to say. Be clear with your message and content. You want to write digestible and relatable content people can enjoy! You can use the Gunning Fog Index to check the readability of your writing.
Here is a little tip for you... get Siri or your computer to read your work to you! Yep, this is a game-changer, I know!
We are your audience, so also don't forget about us when you are writing! Put yourself in someone else's shoes when editing and also writing... it will help you get your message across!
Xperiment - I tried!
I was doing so well too!! So when it comes to writing, it is all about experimenting. Start writing, post, see how it engages people and then go from there! Trust me, your first piece won't be your best, but it won't be your last!
You are the voice behind the writing. So don't forget to be you when you write!! If you need help finding that voice, letβs talk!
If you're in the zone, don't break it!! Distraction is a killer, tell people when you are writing, so they leave you alone. Put your phone on mute. Once you are in the zone, don't stop! It is definitely a form of meditation.
There you have it! Now it is time to get writing!
Out of the above, what do you struggle with the most? For me? It is just making a START and getting those words on the paper after I have done the research!! Do you need help making your way into the freelance world as a writer?
Flick me a message, I can work out a detailed plan and coaching training to get you living your dreams as a full time writer!