Why you need to hire a content writer in 2020
Now is the time to start thinking about what you will be investing in for 2020 when it comes to business development.
Are you looking for a new website?
Maybe an assistant to help with admin tasks?
What about a content writer? Someone who can be part of your team, to help you develop a strategy around your content, so you are consistently showing up in 2020 for your audience.
Now you might be thinking… why do I need a content writer? What can they actually do for me?
Well… let’s have a look, shall we?
They help you be consistent
We all should know by now that consistent business development is key, and in order to speak to your audience, you need to be consistent with your content.
A content writer can help you be consistent, how? By developing the work for you, but offering advice on how you can show up.
This can be through blogs, podcasts, social posts. It is all about finding the content writer who can help you with your needs!
They help you put purpose behind your content
A content writer can work in your business to help you produce strategy and purpose around your content.
From topics, messaging to timings, a content writer with experience can help you form a solid plan to show up consistently with engaging and purpose-driven content.
Instead of just producing content because you know you have to, a content writer can help you generate content that has meaning.
They help you save time
Of course, a content writer can save you time because they are doing the work for you! Then you can use that additional time to show up for clients, to go to networking events or to be open to more calls with potential leads for your business.
If you had more time, what would you be doing with it?? Comment below.
They help you build loyalty
Producing value-added content for your audience will help build loyalty. Why? Because they will see you aren’t just trying to sell at them all the time. Producing content that has tips and tricks or general advice that will add value to the target audience will have them coming back to your business each and every time, because they trust you!!
You can gain trust through your level of communication using content.
They help build your search engine presence
Think search engine optimisation (SEO), how you show up on Google or any other search engine is determined by how relevant your website is to the person searching around your niche.
You'll have so much time to travel... like I recently did to QLD in Australia!!
So the more content you produce, the better chance you have that Google will choose you as a reliable source! A content writer producing blogs for your website will help build your search presence.
They help SELL!
Of course, producing content will help you sell! It will show your target audience who you are and what you have to offer.
If you are producing content that is valuable, people will want to buy from you because they can see what you have to offer.
Content writers have the skills to produce quality content that is designed to sell for you!!
Final thoughts
Considering a writer now? Do you need more information?
Please send me a message, I am more than happy to provide you with more information! Or check out my IG series here.
Hiring a content writer will be a great asset to your business. With the right person on your team, your content game will hit a whole new level!
Working with me in guaranteed fun and guaranteed less stress for you!
From sales to more time, you will get a lot of benefits from hiring the right writer!!
Do you think I could be the one for you?
Why not trial me with my educate package? This package includes a 12-month content strategy (WHAT A WIN) and 12 months of content for one platform, this is an easy way to see if you want a content writer to join you full time!!
Don’t miss out, let’s have a call and see if I am right for you!
Find out more here!